Pollution monitoring

Pollution monitoring

The Traqpoll service developed by Murmuration, Beeguard and Water Robotics allows pollution monitoring on a territory.

This service is based on the optimal use of 3 technologies:

  • Satellite observations to provide global quantification and monitoring over the whole territory with daily revisits.
  • The drone boat to carry out water quality sampling in a punctual way and thus complement and calibrate the satellite measurements with better resolved data.
  • Connected hives deployed in key areas to quantify the impact of observed events on the environment and biodiversity.

This multi-source approach promises a unique observation service to identify the causes of pollution and its impacts.

Several approaches are conceivable, combining data on air pollution, water pollution and vegetation health.

The monitoring data is ultimately integrated into an online, interactive and updated dashboard.

It enables the different actors of the territory to monitor the environmental status of the area and to evaluate their impact on its evolution.