UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Policy Talks

UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Policy Talks

The #SDGsTourismTalks build on the strategic recommendations of the Baseline Report on the Integration of Sustainable Consumption and Production in Tourism Policies and provide Member States with an opportunity to disseminate their efforts and commitment to develop sound tourism policies and ensure their effective implementation.

esponsible concumption

In the Sustainable Tourism Policy Talks Ministers of Tourism shared their vision on the implementation of tourism policies and the contribution of the tourism sector in order to achieve SDG 12 goals on sustainable consumption and production and other connected SDGs. 

You can’t manage what you can’t measure!

5 main indicators are outlined and they are related also to the climate action SDG13 :
– Biodiversity conservation
– Energy use efficiency
– GHG emissions reduction
– Waste reduction
– Water use efficiency

To know more about the report on sustainable tourism : UNWTO efficiency resources in tourism

UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Policy Talks

Table of Contents
