
The plastic oceans crisis, tracking and modeling waste waves
The plastic oceans crisis, tracking and modeling waste waves
The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) stated that “plastic pollution is the most widespread problem affecting the marine environment”. Most of this pollution ends in the plastic oceans. Plastics take centuries to degrade and contaminate the entire food chain. Each year, up to 13 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans […]
The plastic oceans crisis, tracking and modeling waste waves

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November 19, 2021
French National day for air quality
French National day for air quality
WHO drastically lowers air quality thresholds A fortnight ago, the World Health Organisation (WHO) published an update of its air quality guideline. This has not happened since 2005. Therefore, this is a major scientific and societal event. The need for air analysis to evolve in line with technological and scientific advances pushed for this intervention. […]
French National day for air quality

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October 14, 2021
MURMURATION SAS launches FLOCKEO, the community platform dedicated to sustainable tourism
MURMURATION SAS launches FLOCKEO, the community platform dedicated to sustainable tourism
The Flockeo platform proposes an innovative approach : Travelers become their own guides by choosing sustainable destinations! Our approach is inspired by the European Commission’s ETIS indicator system , developed to assess the sustainability of tourism destinations. By combining satellite and statistical data, the Flockeo indicator measures the pressure of human activities on the environment.  Thanks to an interactive map, […]
MURMURATION SAS launches FLOCKEO, the community platform dedicated to sustainable tourism

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November 24, 2019
Flockeo, a new way for sustainable travelling, supported by ESABIC Sud France
Flockeo, a new way for sustainable travelling, supported by ESABIC Sud France
MURMURATION SAS joins ESA BIC Sud France, whose mission is to support the creation of companies and start-ups linked to the space sector. ESA BIC Sud France is one of the 22 incubators of the European Space Agency. Covering the Occitania-Pyrenees / Mediterranean, New Aquitaine, PACA and AuvergneRhône-Alpes regions, ESA BIC Sud France has supported, […]
Flockeo, a new way for sustainable travelling, supported by ESABIC Sud France

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November 23, 2019
Flockeo, a new way of sustainable tourism
Flockeo, a new way of sustainable tourism
Copyright image ImaginEarth Responsible travel is a journey of hope that allows you to meet the other and discover new lands while respecting the biodiversity. MURMURATION SAS is currently working on the FLOCKEO web platform to offer travelers and travel professionals a map of the world to know the environmental impact on destinations. The FLOCKEO […]
Flockeo, a new way of sustainable tourism

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November 22, 2019
Overtourism: 4 major impacts on the environment
Overtourism: 4 major impacts on the environment
Global warming, pollution, degradation of cultural sites, deforestation … the effects of overtourism on the environment and populations can be dramatic. MURMURATION is one of the start-ups that has joined the acceleration program of Climate-Kic France . This program is intended for all start-up companies that are motivated and committed to solving the problems related to climate change. Thanks […]
Overtourism: 4 major impacts on the environment

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November 21, 2019
Floods, one of the major consequences of climate change
Floods, one of the major consequences of climate change
Climate change affects all regions of the world. Polar ice caps are melting and ocean levels are rising. In some regions, extreme weather events and precipitation are becoming more frequent, while others are facing increasingly extreme heat waves and droughts. Floods are the most expensive natural disasters in the world. The cost of flood damage […]
Floods, one of the major consequences of climate change

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November 18, 2019
The Copernicus program to monitor mysterious oil pollution in Brazil
The Copernicus program to monitor mysterious oil pollution in Brazil
Satellite images are a powerful tool for Earth observation and monitoring sensitive areas. As part of the Copernicus program and mandated by the European Commission, ESA (European Space Agency) has implemented the Sentinel satellites, the guards of the planet. Thanks to this program, we could detect hydrocarbon pollution at large of the Brazilian coasts and […]
The Copernicus program to monitor mysterious oil pollution in Brazil

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October 29, 2019
Fight overtourism with satellite data
Fight overtourism with satellite data
While the Global Climate Strike has begun these days around the world, we are looking at MURMURATION SAS for the growing impact of two crucial and social issues in terms of overtourism – which can be found through the case study from BALI. Overtourism has become a crucial issue for the tourism sector. Moreover,, the […]
Fight overtourism with satellite data

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September 27, 2019
Global Climate Strike 2019
Global Climate Strike 2019
We will join the global strike movement #ClimateStrike on September 20th. And you ? Tomorrow, millions of people around the world will leave their jobs or homes to join the global climate strike on the streets and demand the end of the fossil fuel era.
Global Climate Strike 2019

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September 19, 2019